Museum of contemporary art is located in Los Angeles. The museum develops most of its own exhibition, presenting the work of emerging and legendary artists. This has made it attract visitors from around the world in the past fifteen years. This paper will talk about William Leavitt’s work of art in the museum.
William has a series of work on display namely Filling in the gaps: William Leavitt’s Pyramid Lens Delta, Scenic Views of William Leavitt: Theater Objects and Giving Form to the Los Angeles Romance as well as Bennett Simpson on William Leavitt.
William Levitt’s Pyramid lens Delta consists of pictorial representation of various objects. These objects include pyramid, system of a concave and convex lens, delta, siphon, measuring .cylinder, cartoon, seat, triangular prism among other things (Valentine. & Adelson, 2011). His name also appears on the drawings. Pyramid Lens Delta is said to have began as a writing exercise from images drawn on 3 by 5 inches cards, which were then shuffled and used to make a words from which narrative was written.
William Leavitt’s exhibit on Theater Objects consists of galleries featuring Leavitt’s installations, paintings and drawing in plentiful solos. The galleries depict his hard work and dedication to the work of art. His work revolves around domestic landscape of post war dominated by future oriented sense of architectural optimism (Valentine. & Adelson, 2011). This makes us see the world as having another image inclined towards pleasing everybody.
Manta Ray is one of the thrilling features in the exhibit. It is a plain old suburban rumpus room composed of fake wood paneling walls, cottage-cheese ceiling with recessed eyeball -lights and a clump of sansevieria rising from a cylindrical pot on the floor. The kicker is a large framed painting that hangs from the center of the wall. A handmade picture shows a tropical fish gliding through pitch-black water above a brightly colored coral reef (Valentine. & Adelson, 2011). ‘Manta Ray ‘depicts the strangeness of art and imaginative capacity of a human being. There is yet another spectacular table known as ‘Spectral Analysis’.
This is the stage set for 1977 performance piece shown alone in a darkened gallery drab brown sofa, star-burst chandelier and side tables with a portable television all arranged in front of theatrical flats, anchored in place with sandbags. Sequential rainbows of color bars starting with violet and working backwards to red are projected on the curtain by the overhead theatrical lights. In addition, Los Angeles Romance consists of picture portraying hillside lights. This was used by Bennett Simpson express in his gratitude to Leavitt hands in shaping his personal experience of Los Angeles.